6 ways to create an amazing therapy experience

Making the decision to start therapy is a big one.

Not only can it be intimidating to trust a total stranger with your deepest emotions, but it can be time consuming and expensive. You might have put it off for a while for these reasons, or you might be ready to jump in head first. Either way, it is a decision that few people ever regret and that most are thankful for.

Once you’ve decided that you are ready to make some changes, there are steps you can take to ensure that you are making the MOST out of your therapy sessions.

  1. Find the RIGHT provider. There are two considerations that are most important in finding the right fit therapist. The first consideration is experience and knowledge of the issues that bring you in to therapy. The second consideration is how you relate to the potential therapist. Many therapists offer free phone consultations that you can use as an opportunity to find out more about them as well as get a feel for their personality. It’s important that you can see yourself trusting this person with your mental health.

  2. Consider the first session an interview for both of you. You can expect to be asked many questions about your background and current situation in your first appointment. A good therapist will expect that you will have questions as well! Use this time to ask anything that comes to mind, such as questions about their treatment approach and experience. You can also provide them with information that wasn’t covered in the assessment that you feel is relevant.

  3. Find a way to make a weekly therapy part of your budget. Although it would be lovely to have a quick fix, your issues took a long time to develop and may take a long time to be resolved. It’s important to see the value of your therapy sessions as an investment in your future success.

  4. Be in it for the long haul. There are therapies that help you superficially put a bandaid on a long standing issue. You can learn to cope with a symptom but if you truly want to resolve it, you will need to find out its source. Having the willingness and patience will pay off as you find yourself letting go of your emotional baggage.

  5. TRY TO BE HONEST AND VULNERABLE. I put this in all caps because this is the basis of psychotherapy treatment. Even if you struggle with vulnerability, the more you can push yourself to trust the process, the more you will take away from each session. Although it might sometimes feel like it, your therapist is not a mind reader. When they have all of the information, they can do a better job understanding you and supporting you.

  6. Appreciate how far you’ve come. Because change often takes place slowly over time, you can miss the fact that you really have made amazing progress! Take the time to acknowledge all of your hard work and give yourself a pat on the back.

Are you interested in having a FREE phone consultation or ready to schedule an appointment with me? Call (614)500-3194 or click here to see my schedule and set up an appointment online.


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