Levana’s Blog
I explore different topics related to my work, my life or sometimes my random thoughts. I hope you enjoy reading! If you have subjects that you’d like to know more about, reach out and let me know. I can always use the inspiration.
Wellness is just another word for anything but fat
When employers institute wellness programs that are connected to health insurance, they are setting up a system to reward thin and able bodies and punish fat and disabled bodies.
It's not going to be okay, and that's okay
A very personal story of my early childhood trauma and coming into my own at age 40.
Putting the comfort back in comfort eating
Comfort eating gets a bad rap, but it actually has serves a great purpose.
Top eight reasons why I won't comment on your weight loss
I will never, ever comment on your weight loss and I have some pretty compelling reasons why.
Let's thank our Binge Eating for helping us
Believe it or not, bingeing was helpful to you at one point in your life. Learn about how to helped and how being thankful is important in recovery.
2 weeks to 2020: My resolutions for a new decade
I share my journey to becoming authentic and free and how my resolutions for 2020 can make a huge impact on my self care.
Dear Therapist, you didn't make me feel welcomed
Have you ever felt that your therapist didn’t understand you or offended you? Read this open letter addressing the various ways in which therapists have made people feel excluded.
Making the Most of your Next Breakdown
We all experience breakdowns. Read about ways to prevent breakdowns as well as what we can learn from them.
Ending the Eating Disorder Shame Spiral
Many people envision a frail, emaciated young woman who is wasting away to nothing. You might be surprised to know that many people with eating disorders look just like you.
5 key ideas in Body Acceptance
By now, you, along with most people have been exposed to the idea of Body Acceptance. But do you really know what it means to accept your body?
6 ways to create an amazing therapy experience
Once you’ve decided that you are ready to make some changes, there are steps you can take to ensure that you are making the MOST out of your therapy sessions.
Childhood trauma is your first language, it's time to learn a new one
When you consider childhood trauma, it relates perfectly to learning a language. Regardless of the type of trauma, whether it was ongoing abuse and/or neglect or a specific event, you learned something about yourself and the world.